Autocomplete is not working

Autocomplete, or word completion, is a feature in which an application predicts the rest of a word a user is typing, in this case a location when a user starts typing into the search box.

If at some point you noticed that it doesn’t work on your side, it may mean that you’re either missing the Google API key or there is not enough permissions for this feature.

If you have not generated the API key yet, please follow instructions mentioned under this link and most likely this would fix the autocomplete issue.

First, log in to your Google Console API dashboard – and check if you have the following APIs enabled.

  • Geocoding API
  • Places API
  • Maps JavaScript API

Places API is needed in order for Auto-search to work so please ensure its enabled. 

To add API’s you need to follow these steps:

Select "API's and Services" from the dashboard

Press ‘Enable API’

In the search field start typing the name of the API you want to add and Google will display the list.

Click on the API item and you’ll be navigated to the screen where you can read about it and enable. Press ‘Enable’ and you’re done.

You will then need to add this into your “restrictions” under your API key. You can do this by selecting “API’s and Services” and selecting Credentials.

From here, please select the pen to edit your key and scroll down to “restrict key”. Ensure all three API’s are enabled and saved. 

That’s it! Check that your Autocomplete feature is now working.

If above doesn’t help just drop us a note to our support address and we’ll help you out.

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